Sam Thornton

My name is Sam Thornton. I am an information technology specialist working at Rutgers University studying for a Master’s degree in Digital Media. My expertise is in web development, maintaining content management systems, and hardware and software troubleshooting and maintenance. I have skills in social media management, tech writing, and audio and video editing.

I have worked at multiple higher education institutions, as well as private companies and political cause coalitions. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my dog and my fiancée, playing video games, and restoring retro gaming consoles and electronics.

I hope to continue working with professionals to design and develop programs and projects to streamline my work and the efforts of others, whether it be work flows or web applications. As long as I am working to connect people with technology, I will be happy!

Hire Me

In years of experience, I contributed to numerous school and professional projects, assisting clients in finding the perfect website and improving work flows and programs. Take a look at my projects listed on this site, and see my contact information below to get in touch!

Work With Me

My abilities and specialties include HTML, CSS, Java, JavaScript, PHP, maintenance of various content management systems, audio and video editing, and strong communication and teamwork skills.

Follow Me

My portfolio showcases various commercial and personal projects created throughout my career. Bookmark my site to get updated when I publish new material, and follow me on LinkedIn for general updates.


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